The TalentLink Change Logs feature is now available for campus administrators, providing an audit trail of modifications for Learning Programs and Learners. This article outlines the types of change logs, the properties logged, and where to access them.
Learning Program Change Logs
The learning program change log can be found on the Edit Learning Program in Manage Content section. The icon appears to the right of the learning program name in the Edit Learning Program modal title area.
Logged Properties and Example Entries:
When changes are made, the following properties are logged with specific details:
Property | Example Change Log Entry |
Learning Program Name | Curriculum Name: 2022 Fall Menu Update -> Menu Updates |
Status | Status: In Review -> Available |
Enforce Sequence | Enforce Sequence: 0 -> 1 |
Deadline Days | Deadline Days: 12 -> 7 |
Repeat Days | Repeat Days: 730 -> 365 |
Repeat Options | Repeat Options: -> RepeatOption:1,RepeatPeriod:180,RepeatOnSpecificDate:,IgnoreIfDaysAfterCompletion:60 |
Assign By Skill | Assign By Skill: No -> Yes |
Use Categories | Use Categories: No -> Yes |
Allow Unassign | Allow Unassign: No -> Yes |
Certificate Awarded | Certificate: Certificate with Sig -> None |
Bookshelving/Dashboard Locations | DashboardLocations: Changed from All to 0431 - Yak & Yeti's |
Prerequisites | Prerequisite Learning Programs. Added: Orientation. |
Associated Learning Programs | Associated Learning Programs. Added: Welcome to California Hand Wash. |
Job Roles Allowed For | Allowed For: All -> Level 3, Level 4 |
Learner Change Logs
Learner change logs record updates to learner profiles and can be accessed via the Edit Learner screen in the Manager’s Dashboard. The icon appears to the right of the learner’s name in the Edit Employee modal title area.
The following property modifications, with examples of change log entries, are written to the change log. All change log entries displayed are in the context of the learner selected.
Please note: the file based HRIS does not write to the change log.
Logged Properties and Example Entries:
Property | Example Change Log Entry |
LogonId | LogonId: 8641112222 -> MickeyMouse |
First Name | FirstName: Alex -> Alejandro |
Last Name | LastName: Anonietti -> Antonietti |
Password | Password: Changed |
Primary Skill Position | Skill Position: ARM -> Cashier |
Job Role | Job Role: Employee -> Asst. Manager |
Employee Number | Employee Number: 10977029 -> 473760 |
Start/Hire Date | Start Date: 2015-01-08 -> 2016-10-01 |
State | State: CO -> TX |
Email: -> | |
Phone Number | Phone: 555-555-6798 -> 555-555-2942 |
Last 4 of SSN | Last 4 SSN: 1111 -> 0555 |
Preferred Language | Preferred Language: English -> Vietnamese |
Learner Consolidation | Source User: Alonso, Joshua (JALONSO) consolidated to Target User: Alonso, Joshua (648469) |
Accessing Change Logs
Learning Program Change Logs: Navigate to Manage Content > Edit Learning Program. Look for the change log icon next to the Learning Program name.
Learner Change Logs: Go to the Manager’s Dashboard > Edit Learner. The change log icon is located near the learner’s name.
By leveraging these detailed audit logs, administrators can ensure accountability and transparency across TalentLink activities.
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