How does CDP use SSL Certifications?
CDP uses SSL as standard browsers would. Upon installing the CDP application, as it first attempts to reach our servers, the Windows PC will try to get the certificate (identically to how a browser would) and verify its validity. If a user leaves their machine as-built, this will work as intended.
Some clients will use a machine on which they have turned off the Windows machine's ability to grab certificates in general or otherwise prevented the machine from grabbing the certificate's authority root certs. In that case, they can grab our cert manually and put it on the machine. If they do root certs manually, they must ensure they have an up-to-date root cert for our Certification Authority (CA). CrunchTime currently uses "Entrust" as our CA. This can be verified by going to any public-facing Net-Chef site and right-clicking on the lock icon in the browser.
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