A GL account cannot be deleted if it is “in use”. A General Ledger account is “in use” if it has been replicated, has been saved in a transaction, or is referenced by some other piece of setup.
If a GL account reference has been saved in any of the following transactions, you won’t be able to remove it:
- Vendor Order Reconcile, if a user adds a Tax, Freight / Shipping, Misc. 1 or Misc. 2 charge.
- NC Budget
- NC Sales Entry (Register Sales, i.e., from any of the tabs that save GLs: Comps and Discounts, Non-Cash Media, Paid Outs, Sales)
If a GL account reference has been saved in any of the following setup screens, users can remove it by selecting a different GL in that setup screen:
- EM Category setup
- EM Position setup
- EM Qualitative Judgment setup
- EM Location setup - Taxation tab - GL Numbers for Sales Tax
- EM Preferences setup - General tab - default GL on Net-Chef Sales tab
- EM Tax Code setup
- EM General Ledger setup - if the GL is selected as the “GL for Sales” for another GL account (but note that the GL for Sales column is only visible if the “Link Sales GL to Products” Preference is selected in EM Preferences setup)
If all setup items have been checked, then the GL has, most likely, been saved in a transaction – “Budget” would be a likely cause.
- If any Budget records had been created in the past, there would have been one line per GL in each Budget for each GL that existed when the Budget was created.
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