Those with the new admin controls permission will be able to customize their login page on their campus by going to the Hierarchy link on the Settings tile on Campus Home, then clicking the icon shown here:
That will bring up the Customize Login Page dialog box:
This short video will go through all the available options:
At the top, the Login Template is how you choose where your logo will go on your login box. To the left or on top?
Next is the login box - the actual color behind the fields you type your username and password in. A hexcode is required.
Transparency - if the blue dot is all the way to the right, it is opaque. All the way to the left it is fully transparent.
Log in Button - what color do you want the actual button to be and what color text inside the button?
Input Boxes - these are the actual boxes within the login box - the background, then the actual typing vs the placeholder words.
You can use HTML coding to enhance your Forgot Password Hint text. There are many websites that will show you all the available HTML tags and how they render text
The last section deals with the actual login page background picture as well as the login box logo and optional upper left corner logo. You'll want to note the pixel minimums and maximums for each, as well as their ratios, to keep everything looking correctly
Reminder* - a .png file will have a transparent background whereas a .jpg file will have a white background. Something to consider when choosing your logo file.
Upper left logo - this one can be a little larger at 300 x 300 pixels, you will need to consider all the things you would on the other images except this one is not in a box and is just floating on your login page in the upper left corner. It is optional
This one is a .png file so its background is transparent
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