Skill Positions - the soul of the LMS, it triggers auto assignment and conditions, it can identify who to send messages to. It allows the dashboard sort so at a glance you can see who all is certified in their position.
Those with the new admin controls permission will be able to manage Skill Positions on their campus by going to the Hierarchy link on the Settings tile on Campus Home, then clicking the icon shown here:
The Manage Skill Positions dialog box will open
The first column is the Skill Position - you want to streamline these as much as possible, example does every cashier also work the drive through? Do you need drive through?
The second column is the Role - this drives the permissions, you can set this table up for HRIS integration and leave the Job Title field off the file. This is optional.
The third column is the Skill Position Categories, it allows you to group your skill positions for dashboard sorting.
To add a skill position, you will click the plus at the top next to Add Skill Position, the new line will appear at the bottom. Type the new Skill Position, making sure it is spelled correctly and matches EXACTLY as the name appears on your automated feed file - if you use one from your HRIS vendor. You will then optionally select the Job Role from the dropdown in the 2nd column, and the Category in the 3rd column, then click apply. Your newly created position will fall into alpha order with the existing ones! ALWAYS Remember if you have an automated feed, you need to make sure the values match exactly - or you're using a mapping file.
If you need to edit an existing skill position, you will click the little pencil at the far right. The boxes will open up and allow you to edit. REMINDER if you have a feed, don’t edit the names without coordinating with the vendor.
If you need to delete a skill position, that particular skill position cannot be deleted until it is not assigned to any learner - primary skill position or additional. Can you delete it? If not, you can run a learner report and select Active and Inactive. Then filter the skill position for that one to see how many you have! No one (active or inactive) can still be assigned that skill position to be able to delete it.
If you check "Mandatory Skill Position" box, that will REQUIRE a Skill Position to be selected when a user is manually added via the Manager Dashboard (2nd screenshot). If a skill position is chosen in the "Select a default position..." next to it, that skill position will automatically be selected when your HRIS feed file is missing a skill position for a person being added. It will give them that default skill position (Server in the example below).
If Mandatory is checked:
- Manually added people cannot be added without a skill position selected
- Flat File added people will not be added if they do not have a skill position
- API - has no impact
If Mandatory is checked AND a default Skill Position is selected:
- Manually added people cannot be added without a skill position selected
- Flat File added people will be created and the skill position will be populated with the one selected
- API - has no impact
If your HRIS system will be sending over multiple Job Codes that don't match the Skill Positions on your campus, you can create and upload a CSV (comma-separated value) "Mapping File" that maps them to actual LMS Skill Positions. Example: Code 204, 205 and 206 are all bartenders, you can map them all to the skill position of Bartender. OR Bartender PT, Bartender FT all need the same training so you can map them all to Bartender. Once you upload it, there will be a little piece of paper link "Download Mapping" that you can click to download the csv and add more if needed (screenshot). You can create a 2-column spreadsheet in Excel with Job Code on one column and Skill Position on the 2nd column, put in your values, then save is as a CSV, instead of an .xlsx. Upload it with the little plus next to Upload Mapping
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