Those with the new admin controls permission will be able to manage Store Types on their campus by going to the Hierarchy link on the Settings tile on Campus Home, then clicking the icon shown here.
Note that Store Types can be set at the top level (campus-wide) or at the sub campus level (green in screenshot) if they only apply to the sub:
The Manage Store Type dialog box will open up showing any existing Store Types on your campus:
Click Add Location Type to add a new one, or the pencil to edit an existing one. To Delete one, first remove that Location Type from any existing locations. The Location Type can be found on each Store in Manage Hierarchy by clicking the down arrow next to it, then choose Edit Location:
The dialog box for that location will pop up showing its Location Type. After adding a new Location Type, that type will show as an option in the down arrow in the Location Type box. If desired, change it to the new Store Type:
**NOTE** - after adding new Store Types, you'll want to go through any Learning Programs that use Conditions, and update those content conditions to include the new Store Type so that content will flow to users in those updated locations.
Franchise and Company are the most used store types. Are there are pieces of training that can only be given to Company Store Types that cannot go to Franchise, or vice versa? Or a mall location where they may need to know what door to exit - or close a gate at the front vs a stand alone location? Menu differences are another use case.
Those differences in training can be handled on the Conditions tab of the Learning Program. You can specify which content goes to which Store Type.
Store types can drive what a learner sees on their my training and what is required for them to complete the Learning Program. The first Onboarding is a stand alone location. The second, is a location in an airport. This learner gets Airport Security assigned. If someone transfers from a stand alone to an airport their LP history is evaluated and assigns them necessary content based on their new location.
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