Why wouldn't 15-Minute Forecast Values Add Up to Daypart or Daypart/Revenue Center Forecast Value? (and Percentages Not Add Up to 100%)?
The historical consumption percentages are calculated for every 15-minute time increment in a Daypart in which sales historically took place and should add up to 100% for a business weekday/Daypart.
However, the Net-Chef Sales Forecast only distributes Daypart or Daypart/Revenue Center forecasted values in 15-minute increments between the Location Hours of Operation's Opening Time and Closing Time.
Therefore, if the Location has shorter Hours of Operation than it did historically, the total forecast value at the Daypart or Daypart/Revenue Center forecast will not be distributed entirely to 15-minute time increments because the system will skip the time increments in which the Location used to be open and is now closed and, therefore, omit those percentages.
The same will occur if a Location has not changed its Hours of Operation but has historical sales records outside these hours.
When this does occur, it is typically experienced as a "discrepancy" between "hourly" calculations in Teamworx, Today's Operating Metrics, and Impact and Daypart or Daypart/Revenue Center values in NC Sales Forecast.
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