Password rules:
Passwords are case sensitive and must be a minimum of 4 characters
Any passwords that are imported will be changed to lowercase upon import
When users are added manually on the dashboard and the auto-generate password feature is in use, passwords will be changed to lower case
When users are added or changed manually via the dashboard and the auto-generate password feature is not in use, passwords will be retained in the case you enter them
Special Characters in Login IDs and Passwords
When creating login IDs and passwords, the apostrophe (') is not allowed.
When creating login IDs and passwords, the following special characters are allowed:
! exclamation point " double quote # number sign $ dollar sign % percent sign & ampersand ( left parenthesis ) right parenthesis * asterisk + plus sign , comma - hyphen . period/decimal point / forward slash : colon |
; semicolon < less than sign = equal sign > greater than sign ? question mark @ at sign [ left bracket \ backward slash ] right bracket ^ caret _ underscore ` accent grave { left curly bracket } right curly bracket ~ tilde |
Landing Pages
The landing page you see upon login depends on your role:
All users with level 1 roles are directed to My Training upon login
All users with roles that are levels 2-4 are directed to the Manager's Dashboard if they have permissions for 1 location, or to the Dashboard Summary if they have permissions for more than 1 location
Note: Users with levels 2-4 roles who also have permissions to access the Campus home page, will still land on the Manager's Dashboard or Dashboard Summary upon login -
All users with level 5 roles are directed to Campus Home upon login
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