About Daily Forms
Daily Forms can be used for any task that requires daily tracking, such as:
Pre-shift employee health checks
Sanitation checks
Opening and closing tasks
Daily Form Features
A variety of options are available when creating Daily Forms:
Admin can set “red flag” for quick identification of incorrect responses.
Optionally include learner comments
Remote sign-off available for managers
Ability to drag and drop items when building form
Ability to preview the form and print in PDF
Version control to maintain form integrity
Option to print the form
All employee and manager signatures are e-signature compliant
How to Create Daily Forms
- Choose a language and create a title
In the Instructions field, enter general instructions for how to complete the form for the learner
Enter up to 5 possible responses to the form items
In the Item field, enter the question you want the learner to answer, or the task they should complete
Check Enable Comments if you want the learner to elaborate on their selected answer, or describe or report on the task
Select a Red Flag Response from the dropdown next to each item if you want one of the responses to trigger a red flag
Click + to enter additional items
Drag and drop items to specify the order in which the items should be completed
Optionally enter a Red Flag Notification to be sent to a manager if a learner submits a Daily Form with one or more red flag responses
Optionally select Employee or Manager Sign-off, managers also have the option for Remote Sign-off
Check Daily Operational Form to indicate that this form should be completed daily
Click Save
If you are finished making changes to your form, click Activate at the top of the form. Once you activate a form, you will not be able to make any more changes to that version
Making Changes to a Daily Form
Daily Forms use versions to maintain the integrity of user responses, even if the form is changed. This means that when a form is edited, a new version is created, and the previous version is saved and archived. Any users who are assigned the Daily Form, but have not yet completed it, will receive the new version. Users who completed the form before the change was made will see the old version, and their answers to it, in their history.
Assigning a Daily Form
Daily Forms can be assigned by adding them to the Daily Operational Form learning program that appears in the first column of Manage Content after a Daily Form is created. You can use the settings tab to specify which locations or skill positions should be assigned each form. Daily Forms are assigned nightly at 12:00 am local time, based on the location of the store.
- Open the Daily Operational Forms learning program
- Select a Daily Form in the dropdown to add it
- Click the +Add button to add additional forms
- Navigate to the Settings tab
- Select a Daily Form in the dropdown to edit the settings for that form
- Select the skill positions you want the form assigned to in the Skill Position dropdown
- Select the locations you want the form to be assigned to from the hierarchy
- Repeat steps 5-8 for each Daily Form in the learning program
- Navigate to the Icons tab
- Select the icon that will be shown for all Daily Forms
Red Flag Responses
When creating a Daily Form, each question can have a designated red flag response. If a user answers with a red flag response when completing their daily operational form:
A customizable pop up will appear to the user upon submission
System messages and e-mails will be sent to all users with admin levels above the user's admin level, informing them that a red flag response has been submitted
A red flag icon will appear in the Daily Operational Form column on the Manager’s Dashboard next to that user’s name
The Daily Form will not be completed, and instead will require a manager sign-off to fully submit
About Sign-off and Remote Sign-off
Daily Forms have a remote option for Managers:
Remote Sign-off: Manager, supervisor, or trainer signs off (validates) the Daily Form any time, any place via the Manager’s Dashboard
Immediate sign off (on the device the learner is using) is available for both learners and managers.
Use of remote sign-off is optional even when it is enabled. A daily operational form with remote sign-off enabled still also appears on the learner’s My Training page in the normal manner and the learner can open and interact with it at any time. Immediate sign-off is still an option when remote sign-off is enabled.
Reporting on Daily Forms
Manager’s Dashboard Report
To report on user answers to a Daily Form for a location, click the Daily Operational Form column header on the Manager’s Dashboard.
Select the Daily Form you want to report on from the drop-down
Click the calendar picker to select a date to report on, dates that have a completion for the selected Daily From will be highlighted in blue
Click Search
A list of employees who completed the form on that day will be returned. Employees who selected one or more red flag responses in their submission will show a red flag next to their name. You can search the list for a specific employee, or filter on job roles and skill positions.
User’s History
To report on an individual user’s answers to a Daily Form, click the user’s name on the Manager’s Dashboard and navigate to the History tab.
Select the Daily Form you want to report on from the drop-down
Click the calendar picker to select a date to report on; dates that have a completion for the selected Daily From will be highlighted in blue
Click View
The completed Daily Form with all questions, answers, and sign-off data will be shown.
Excel Report
Data for Daily Forms can be exported to an Excel report by running the Sign-Off Forms report in Reports under Content Reports.
Select a Daily Form to report on from the dropdown
Select an end-date for the report; the report will include data from 7 days before the end date
Optionally select to include all language versions in the report; if this option is not selected, only English responses will be reported
Optionally select to see only red flag responses; if this option is not selected, all answers will be reported
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