TalentLink Surveys help you get timely and uniform feedback on your training programs. Surveys are incorporated into Learning Programs which means that giving and getting feedback becomes a regular part of the learning process.
Survey Features and Properties
Surveys are a content type like courses and exams and can be combined with other types of content in a Learning Program.
A Copy feature (available once a survey has been saved) lets you create multiple versions from a base survey. Copied surveys can be edited just like any other survey.
In the Reports feature of CrunchTime! TalentLink, survey results can be viewed individually or aggregated by location.
Notifications can be sent via the CrunchTime! TalentLink Notifications feature when a survey is completed by a user. The notification will include a PDF copy of the survey responses.
These additional features are also available when creating a survey:
Minimum Level to View setting allows you to specify the minimum role that is allowed to view survey results
Preview mode to see a survey as a user would prior to the survey being added to a Learning Program
Review mode for editing/reviewing both surveys and individual questions
Ability to enter a duration for the survey
Ability to upload a custom background image
You must have Manage Content permission to create and manage Surveys.
Survey takers can Save & Exit a survey without completing it and go back later to complete it.
Survey Question Types
There are eight question types plus an Instructions/Background page available.
Yes/No: A true/false type question, use any two words as options
Date: A calendar tool for single date or date range selection
Multiple Choice: Choose one from up to eight options
Multiple Choice (Multi-Select): Choose multiple from up to eight options
Pick List: Pick from a list of Active Stores or Active Training Stores or manually enter a custom list (Note: The Preset option for Pick List questions will not work if any of the selections have the characters "#" or "|")
Rating: A Likert-type scale with up to seven increments with customizable labels, an N/A option, and up to ten facets to rate
Rank Order: Up to seven options available for ordering, with a choice of label types
Open-ended: An essay type question, specify a character limit (default is 300)
Instructions/Background: Use for opening instructions, set up or background for groups of questions, or closing comments
Available/Review/Mandatory (for Surveys and Questions)
Available/Review for Surveys
Surveys are either Available or in Review. A survey that is Available can immediately be added to a Learning Program. A survey that is in Review can be added to a Learning Program but a learner will not see it until it is changed to Available. Review is the default setting.
Available/Review for Questions
Questions on a survey are either Available or in Review. A question that is Available is present/active whenever that survey is taken. A question that is in Review cannot be seen when the survey is taken. Available is the default setting.
Mandatory/Not Mandatory for Questions Only
Questions default to mandatory but can be made not-mandatory by clearing the check in the Mandatory box in the upper right when creating a question.
Creating Surveys
Creating a survey is very similar to creating an exam:
Path: Campus Home > Content > +Content Item > Survey
Enter a title on the add new survey popup and click Add
On the Edit Survey screen, select Available or Review as the Version Status
Select the Minimum Level to View to specify the minimum role that is allowed to view the results of this survey (see more about this in Minimum Level to View Setting following)
Create the questions
Click DONE to save the survey
Add the survey to a Learning Program to make it available for survey takers
Special Characters
When creating the title, instructions, or questions or when the learner is providing information:
The following special characters are not allowed:
Ampersand (&) is not allowed
Greater than and less than signs (> <) are not allowed
At sign (@) is not allowed
Apostrophe(') is not allowed
Number sign (#) is not allowed
The following special characters are allowed:
! exclamation point " double quote $ dollar sign % percent sign ( left parenthesis ) right parenthesis * asterisk + plus sign , comma - hyphen . period/decimal point / forward slash : colon |
; semicolon = equal sign ? question mark [ left bracket \ backward slash ] right bracket ^ caret _ underscore ` accent grave { left curly bracket } right curly bracket ~ tilde |
Viewing Survey Results
The minimum role that is allowed to view the results from that survey is specified at the time the survey is created. This setting is honored no matter what method is chosen to view results with the exception of Notifications (see Notifications following for details).
Minimum Level to View Setting
The Minimum Level to View dropdown is in the upper right on the initial survey creation screen. The dropdown choices are the roles used in your organization, minus the lowest/hourly role.
Select the role that is the minimum (lowest level) role you that should be allowed to see survey results (the responses to the questions). For example, if you want only Managers and Corporate Admins to see the responses, then choose Manager as the minimum level.
Viewing Survey Results from the Dashboard
To view results from the Dashboard:
Click the employee name
On the employee profile popup, click the History tab
The title of the survey will appear under the name of the Learning Program
For roles at or above the Minimum Level to View (described above), View links that let you see survey responses appear both for surveys that are completed or still In Progress (the History tab also links to the ITSR which shows assignments, in progress, and completions for surveys, but not responses)
Alternatively, click the associated dot in the dashboard grid and use the View link there
Viewing Individual Results on the Individual Survey Report
You can view the individual responses to a survey from the Individual Survey Report.
Path: Campus Home > Reports > Content > Individual Survey
From the Survey dropdown, choose the survey you want to see responses for
From the Store dropdown, choose the location you want to see responses for
Note: Surveys display in this dropdown based on the level in your store hierarchy at which they were created. For example, if the survey was created at the individual store level, it will not be in this dropdown if you are running reports at the division or company level. -
Use the Date Range calendar tools to select the time range you want to see responses for (the default Start is today minus 30 days and the default End is today)
Click Run
The Individual Survey Report popup displays showing the names of those who have completed the specified survey
Note: Only those who have completed/submitted a survey are available for selection; those who have saved & exited before completing and submitting the survey are not shown. -
Click the Name of the person whose responses you want to view and those responses display
Repeat the process to see the responses of others
Survey Assignments and Completions in Reports
Survey assignment and completion information appears in the same reports that courses and exams do.
Learning Program reports:
Training Status Summary
Training Status Detail
Time in Training
Content reports:
Training Status Summary
Learning Program Inclusion
Employee reports:
Individual Training Status
Surveys have been incorporated into CrunchTime! TalentLink’s Notification feature. The option available is to have a notification sent upon completion of a survey. Each notification includes a PDF of the survey responses.
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