CrunchTime! TalentLink offers a Talent Development module, which is fully integrated into the training platform and available to learners who are ready for the next level. Programs can also be customized to personalize the development plan. Create leadership programs for hourly learners working toward a shift lead or supervisory position, MIT programs, or assistant managers working toward GM. Talent Development offers structured or variable paths for specific needs. The following can be accomplished:
Rising Star Identification
Manage high-potential leaders’ development
Consistent leadership program
Competency and experiential-based learning
Individual assignment of goals, content, and resources
Rising Star Identification
It’s impossible now to miss out on fast tracking, high-potential leaders, who are hungry for growth and advancement. Talent Development offers a filter that identifies learners with high values of longevity, knowledge score, performance score, recognition, and cross training.
Manage high-potential leaders’ development
All learners come to your company with various mastery and deficiencies in your company competencies. Managers can assign goals, content, and activities, from a battery of program options, to support their development and mastery in deficient competencies.
Consistent leadership program
Everyone goes through the development programs to reach the next leadership level, but the advantage goes to management in that they can choose the order of competency development that fits their plan.
Competency and experiential-based learning
Mandated programs motivate the learners. They know they must complete the program to advance. The comprehensive programs require learning through course work, reading, and performance-related activities to practice and prove competence.
Individual assignment of goals, content, and resources
Programs are individualized. Managers start by assigning the base goal and support content but are able to additional content as needed, comment on progress, and rate the overall performance of the learner.
Frequency can be as needed to supplement deficiencies in performance or preparing hourlies for a supervisory role. You can move at a pace that suites the learner and the management team.
Frequency can also be more structured, using a career path that allows the learner to work at their own pace and focus on competencies that both the learner and manager agree on.
ADMIN: Those users who create the development programs as well as enroll nominated candidates (who were assigned a development program), must have the Talent Development Admin permission.
MANAGER: Those users who nominate candidates for development programs as well as sign off and provide learner feedback, must have the Talent Development Manager permission.
PROCTOR: Those users who proctor/sign off on learner progress, provide feedback on goals, or add items to a development program must have the Talent Development Proctor permission.
Development Program Components
A development program is made up of one or more competencies. Each competency is made up of one or more goals. Each goal has a description, a duration to complete the goal, and an action plan. All though the development program competencies, goals, and action plans are created by an Admin, action items and content items may be added by Manager and Proctor permissions. Sample development program:
Example Development Program | |
Development Program |
Front of House Shift Supervisor |
Competencies |
Front of House Skill Training Back Office System: Opening/Closing POS and EOD Opening FOH Supervisor Closing FOH Supervisor |
Goals & Action Plan |
Front of House Skill Training Goals
Admin Permissions
Those users who create the development programs, enroll candidates, and approve nominated candidates (who were assigned a development program), must have the Talent Development Admin permission.
How It Works
An admin, with the Talent Development Admin permission, will create the development programs at the desired level of the hierarchy.
How to Create a Development Program
Access Talent Development from the Campus Home
Path: Campus Home > Development Programs
In the development program dropdown enter a title and click Create
Select the campus/sub-campuses you want the development program to be available for
Note the ability to delete the program
Note that the program is set to In Review by default
Click the + Competency button and see the 3 options:
Add a new competency
Copy existing competencies from other programs
Copy existing competencies from Workbooks
- Click the + Competency button and select Add new competency and see the following:
- Add a competency name - NOTE - avoid the use of special characters in the name such as semicolons, apostrophes, etc.
- Note that competencies are set to In Review by default – must be saved prior to selecting Available
- Enter a Description (optional)
- Turn review matrix on or off (on by default)
- Edit default rating text or add up to 2 more ratings (optional)
- Note that the competencies can be copied after they are saved
- When you are finished, click Save
Click the + Goal button and see the 2 options:
Add a new goal
Copy existing goals from other programs
Select Add a new goal to open the Add a Goal window and see the following:
Add a Goal (up to 2500 characters)
Enter a Duration (up to 15 characters)
Note that goals are set to Available by default – must be saved prior to selecting In Review
Begin to select Action Plan types via the action item drop-down:
action item – open text field (up to 2500 characters) and the ability for the learner to add a comment or upload an image
Learning Program
Course Resource
Document Resource
Video Resource
Weblink Resource
Click the Save Activity button
Saving the goal at the bottom does not save the action plan type you just created. After completing an action plan type, always click Save Activity.
Review the Development Program and note the functionality in the main window:
Expand and collapse all competencies
Reorder, edit (opens window), copy, delete, and expand competency
Reorder, edit (opens window), copy, delete, and expand goal
Reorder or delete action items (can only be edited from edit goal window)
Enrolling Candidates and Setting Enrolling Features
- Select a Development Program.
- Allow managers to enroll learners without admin approval. This is highly recommended, otherwise, your top-level admins will be the only ones to approve nominated candidates.
- Set Rising Star Criteria (see later screen).
- Left side grid:
- Enrolled learners (displays all enrolled learners)
- Select right-side grid from drop-down:
- Search all learners (view results in grid)
- Review manager-nominated candidates (visible only to admins)
- View Rising Stars (if set by admin)
Select Rising Stars grid on the right.
Search Rising Stars and view learners who meet the rising star criteria.
Drag candidates to Enrolled Learners grid to enroll candidates.
Click learner name to view Learner Profile window.
Select Manager Nominated grid on the right.
Search Manager Nominated grid and view candidates nominated by a manager.
Click Note icon to view manager comment.
Drag candidates to Enrolled Candidates grid to enroll candidates.
Click learner name to view Learner Profile window.
Select Search All Learners grid on right.
Enter learner name and click Find to search all learners and view returned learners.
Drag candidates to Enrolled Learners grid to enroll candidates.
Click learner name to view Learner Profile window.
Admin: Set Rising Star Criteria
Select Roles, Skill Positions, and Complete Learning Programs – this will limit the candidate pool and activate Apply Criteria button.
Set slides to desired number for each measurement.
Click Apply Criteria button.
View number of candidates within criteria and adjust slides if desired.
Click the Close icon to view Rising Stars in grid.
Manager Permissions
Those users who nominate candidates as well as sign off and provide feedback for the candidate development programs must have the Talent Development Manager permission.
Enrolling a Candidate
Access the Enroll Candidates from the Enroll Candidates link.
Select a Development Program.
Search All Learners (right side).
Select Search All Learners
Enter learner name in text box and click Find button to view learners.
Drag desired learners to the Nominated Learners grid.
Clicking learner name opens learner profile window (for review).
Nominated Learners grid (learners dragged from right).
Checkmark indicates candidates have been submitted.
Clicking name opens learner profile window (for review).
Add a note for the admin by clicking the + icon (optional, see below).
Note icon means a note has already been added.
Remove candidate from nominated learners by click the trash can icon.
Enter note in text field.
Click the Save button.
The + icon will change to the note icon to indicate a note is present.
Alternatively, the manager can select to view the Rising Stars grid on the right.
Search Rising Stars grid.
Drag Rising Stars candidate into Nominated Learners grid.
View learner profile window by clicking the learner name.
Progress Reports
By clicking on the Progress Reports tab, the managers can access the learner Progress window for an individual learner by:
Selecting a Development Program from the drop-down.
Clicking on the desired learner’s name.
Manager View of Learner Progress
Learner statistics panel:
- Information panel navigation (only 2 panels display at a time).
- Career Path Tracking panel displays current Development Program, current Skill Position, and all past Skill Positions
- Personal Development Log panel
- Plus (+) icon opens window to enter a Personal Development item for learner
- Certification Tacking panel (not currently displayed)
- Development Program status panel.
- Expand panel icon expands panel to cover information panels
- Competency
- Competency name can be clicked to view longer names and goals
- Sign-off button appears when all goals complete
- Goal
- Goal progress icon (completed)
- Goal name can be clicked to view Action Plan
Personal Development Item window
Clicking the + icon on the Personal Development Log opens this window.
- Enter the date in the Date field.
- Log item in the text field.
- The Delete button is only active if already logged.
- Click the Save button to save and close the log.
Sign-off Window
Clicking the Sign-off button opens the Competency Sign-off window.
- Your first option is to reassign this goal. Checking the Redo checkbox causes all learning programs and resources to reset to not started and any comments or image uploads in action items to be removed.
- Comment is optional when completing competency.
- Goal review matrix: Each goal must be reviewed for sign-off to be completed.
- Enter Manager Username and Password.
- Cancel button deletes the fields you filled in and closes the window.
- Click the Sign-off button to complete the sign-off and close the window.
Signed off Competency
Once the competency is signed off the sign-off button is no longer accessible.
Completed Competency Panel
Clicking on a completed competency name displays the goal reviews and any comments provided.
Progress Reports
Navigate to the progress reports screen and select a development program to review learner status.
- Select a Development Program to view learner progress
- If there are more Competencies than can displayed, the navigation arrows will be active
- Clicking the double word balloons or text will open the Messages window where all enrolled learners can be messaged at the same time (only currently in progress learners will be messaged)
- Click a radio button to view All, Completed, or In Progress learners
- Enter a learner name and click Search button to find an enrolled learner
- Click the double word balloon icon to the right of a learner’s name to message that individual learner
- View the learner’s Location
- View the learner’s Enrolled date
- View the learner status per Competency
- Completed and signed-off by manager
- Completed and not signed-off by manager
- In progress – partial goals and action items have been completed
- Not started
Proctor Permissions
Those users who proctor/sign off on learner progress, provide feedback on goals, or add items to a development program must have the Talent Development Proctor permission.
Proctor Actions
Review Progress/Add Action Items
Once a goal has been created and assigned to a learner, the proctor can review the learner’s goal, their progress and their comments. The proctor can even add to a goal’s action plan.
- An empty circle signifies that no progress has been documented to date.
- A half-filled circle means the learner has progress documented in the goal action plan.
- A filled circle means the learner has completed the action plan. Goals may have more than one content item or action plan.
- Add Action Items by clicking the + icon, and selecting Action Plan types via the action item drop-down:
- Action Item – open text field (up to 2500 characters) and the ability for the learner to add a comment or upload an image
- Learning Program
- Course Resource
- Document Resource
- Video Resource
- Weblink Resource
- Click the Save Activity button
- Click on the + icon to open the feedback window
- Provide progress/completion comments
- Click the Save button
Sign-off on a completed goal
Final review and sign-off is not available until the learner has completed all action plans in the goal. When it is available the Sign-off button becomes active.
- Your first option is to reassign this goal. Checking the Redo checkbox causes all learning programs and resources to reset to not started and any comments or image uploads in action items to be removed.
- Comment is optional when completing competency.
- Goal review matrix: Each goal must be reviewed for sign-off to be completed.
- Enter your Proctor Username and Password.
- Click the Sign-off button to complete the sign-off and close the window .
Signed-off Competency
Once the competency is signed off the sign-off button is no longer accessible.
No permissions required.
Learner Status Window
If you are an enrolled learner, you can access the learner status window with the Talent Development icon on the My Training page.
- Information panel navigation (only 2 panels display at a time)
- Career Path Tracking panel displays pertinent information regarding learner’s career.
- Personal Development panel displays pertinent information entered by learners and managers that doesn’t directly relate to a competency.
- Certification Tacking panel (not currently displayed).
- Development Program panel
- Expand panel icon (expands panel to cover Information panels)
- Competency name can be clicked to view longer names and goals
- Goal progress icon
- Goal name can be clicked to view Action Plan
Certification Tracking panel
Displays all certifications completed by the learner (not shown by default)
Goal Panel
- Clicking a goal opens the goal panel where action items can be completed or feedback can be added by managers or proctors.
- Competency Name
- Clicking the i icon allows the learner to view the Competency description
- Closes the panel
- Full goal text
- Action Plan tab where action items can be completed by the learner.
- Clicking a resource title or play button will open the resource so it can be completed.
- Checking the box for an Action Item will complete the item – adding a comment or uploading an image may be optional depending on whether allowed by Development Program creator.
- Feedback tab: Learner can review feedback left by a manager or proctor.
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