CrunchTime! TalentLink offers a performance review solution specifically designed for the hospitality industry. This comprehensive performance review tool will help you:
Identify Star Performers to Ensure Their Retention
Develop bench strength to support expansion
Automate talent assessment and performance tracking
Ensure compliance with the process at the unit level
Regular performance discussions help team members understand how they can excel in their roles and help managers understand roadblocks team members may face. For those facing challenges, ongoing performance discussions can help avoid serious problems in the future.
Integrated with Training Platform
The CrunchTime! TalentLink performance review solution is fully integrated into the training platform:
Managers can view status and create reviews from the manager’s dashboard
Learners’ self-reviews appear on the To-Do List like learning program assignments
Built-in reporting is available for quick overview of adoption and store-level employee ratings
Flexible Franchise Model Option
Flexible local editing options are ideal for giving franchisees the ability to opt into the company program and still customize their reviews:
Create campus wide template for use in all locations
Location level editing permits optional roll out to franchisees including customization options for settings and templates
Multiple Reviews, Multiple Question Types, and Multiple Languages
Multiple role and store type options let you create reviews for everyone in your organization and three separate question types help you further tailor reviews:
Performance review templates can be created by Job Role and Skill Position and additionally segmented by Store Type
Three question types are available: Standard, Matrix, and Open Ended
Can be created in multiple languages
Uses the same format as exams and surveys
Frequency and base date options provide unlimited timing flexibility:
Three review cycles: Annual, Biannual or Quarterly
Base date options: Hire Date or Set Date
Optional Probationary Review with flexible date settings
Admins and managers who create performance reviews must have Manage Content and Performance Review Admin permission. Those who proctor and evaluate completed performance reviews must have Performance Review Proctor permission.
How It Works
How to assign a performance review:
Create the template (the instructions & questions)
Create the setting (the assignment details)
Make the setting live
Enable the template
If Local Level Editing is not enabled, performance reviews are assigned to the specified roles and/or skill positions in the store types specified in the assignment.
If Local Level Editing is enabled, the setting and template are available to the local administrator to make the assignments live.
Campus/Company Level vs Local/Franchise Level
The primary work to create performance reviews is done at the campus level, the highest level in the organization. Campus level administrators own initiating the performance review process. Campus level administrators can build out Store Type templates allowing for flexible customization across many different stores.
The following actions can be done at the campus level:
Create templates
Copy, edit & delete templates
Create settings, make settings live, disable and delete settings
Edit settings including Store Type and Role
Enable Local Level Editing for a setting
Enable templates
The local level is one location. Even when a franchisee owns multiple stores, once you are working at the local level, actions are applied to one location at a time. When working at the local level, templates created at the campus level can be copied and edited, and new templates can be created. In addition, all the assignment settings can be edited except Store Type and Role.
What can be done at the local/franchise level:
Create templates
Copy, edit & delete templates
Edit settings except Store Type and Role
Make settings live & assign reviews to own store only
Disable and delete settings at own store only
Enable templates for own store only
Self-Review Options
Self-Reviews allow learners to rate themselves on standard and matrix questions, respond to open-ended questions, make comments on specific questions, and make final comments at the end of the review.
If Self-Review is on and mandatory (Optional is not checked) then users must complete their portion of the review before the review can be finalized.
If Self-Review is on and Optional is checked, the supervisor can enter their comments and finalize the review without the employee entering ratings or comments.
Dashboard and To-Do List
Manager’s Dashboard
On the manager’s dashboard, assigned performance reviews appear in the dashboard grid just like learning programs but always in the first column, to the immediate right of the employee names.
Six icons are used in the dashboard grid to indicate the different states of performance review assignments:
Icon Description |
Icon |
Use |
Single yellow head |
A self-review is assigned to the employee and there is at least one day before the due date. |
Multiple yellow heads |
The manager portion of a review is ready to be completed and there is at least one day before the due date. |
Single red head |
A self-review is assigned to the employee and it is due today or late. |
Multiple red heads |
The manager portion of a review is ready to be completed and it is due today or late. |
Full circle |
A review has been completed. |
Grey single head with lock |
A review is scheduled to be assigned. This icon will change to a single yellow head icon when the date specified to make the review available is reached. This icon will only appear for new assignments (if there was an older completed assignment a full circle would display). |
Employee’s My Training Page
Performance reviews appear in an employee’s My Training page just like any learning program.
Performance reviews use the same basic format as exams and surveys.
Performance Review History
History of an employee’s performance reviews can be seen in the Review tab in the employee profile on the manager’s dashboard. Employees can see their own performance review history in their My Training page history.
Creating Templates
Path: Campus Home > Performance Reviews > Campus Templates
Review Properties
Click + New Performance Review Template then enter a Title and click Add to create a new template.
Basic properties
The language field defaults to English when you begin to create a review; the primary review must be in English (see the final section of this document which covers the process for adding a Spanish language review)
A Status of Available makes this template immediately available for use (once it is enabled); the default is Available
Changing the Status to Review keeps the template from being assigned (even after you save it and close the page)
Choose the Role(s) or Skill Position(s) this performance review is for (see the Role vs Skill Position section following for details and examples)
Final remarks
Check Employee or Manager Final Remarks if you want learners and/or managers to provide comments at the end of the review
Choose Mandatory to make these remarks required
Front page instructions
Enter any opening comments you want learners to see before beginning (up to 1,000 characters)
This would be an ideal place to explain the rating/scoring system
Categories (optional) are overarching labels for groups of questions
Check to enter up to 15 categories for your questions
When categories are used, each time you enter a question, you can select a category for it or leave that question uncategorized
Category names are shown, followed by a colon, in the question list on the left
Once you have created your questions, you can drag them to change the order of appearance and, optionally have all the questions in a category appear together in a review
Creating Questions
Click +Review Questions to begin adding questions. Select the question type from the Type dropdown.
Options for Questions
Available and Draft
Available and Draft applies to questions
When a question is set to Available, it is visible as soon as the performance review is available
When set to Draft, the question will not be visible until it is changed to Available (even if the performance review is available)
The default setting is Draft
On Matrix Review Items and Standard Review Items, responses are the ratings entered by supervisors and/or learners
When a response is mandatory (the default setting), neither the learner nor the supervisor can submit the review without entering a rating (although they can both Save & Exit)
When responses are not mandatory, an additional rating choice of Not Evaluated automatically displays on the page
When not evaluated is used, the lack of score for the question does not negatively impact the overall score of the review
Manager Comments
These manager comments pertain to the individual questions
When Manager Comments are on, they can be optional or mandatory
If Manager Comments are mandatory, the manager portion of a review cannot be completed until comments are provided
The default setting is off (not checked)
Manager Final Remarks cover the review as a whole and are not treated as part of the questions (see them in Review Properties earlier in this document)
Employee Comments
Self-Review On/Off/Optional is the field in the Campus Settings that controls whether or not employees can make comments or provide written responses to questions in the review
The Self-Review setting applies to all questions
Question/Item Types
Instructions Page
Use instructions pages for information specific to certain sections or questions
Create as many instruction pages as you want
You can enter up to 5,500 characters
Change Status to Available to make these instructions available as soon as the review is available
In the list of questions on the left, you can drag your instructions pages to exactly the right spot in the review
Matrix Review Item
The Matrix review item is a closed-ended question that asks you to evaluate one or more items (like attributes or behaviors) on a single page, using the same set of rating choices.
This is what a Matrix question looks like from the learners' side:
To create a Matrix question:
Enter the Statement/Topic/Tasks/Behaviors that will be evaluated
Use the sequence dropdown to easily change the order of the ratings; click Apply to actually reorder the items
The rating choices for this question; you can have up to five ratings
The point value that is assigned to each rating item; you cannot have two ratings with the same point value
Click +Add Rating to create additional ratings (up to five total)
The sequence dropdown for the items that are being rated
The actual task or behavior that is being evaluated
Click +Add Item to create additional items (up to five total)
Un-check Response Mandatory (at the top) to have a Not Evaluated rating option added to the question
Open-ended Review Item
The Open-ended Review Item is a statement or question that allows a text response
Self-Review (in Campus Settings) must be on if the learner is expected to respond
If Self-Review is on but optional, the learner can skip the item altogether
Manager comments can be off, optional, or mandatory
There is no rating or point value associated with an open-ended question/item
This is what an Open-ended Review item looks like from the learners' side:
To create an open-ended item, just enter the question or, statement that you want a response to:
Standard Review Item
There is one statement or question and the appropriate rating is chosen from the available ratings
You can assign weights to each answer choice
Un-check Response Mandatory (at the top) to have a Not Evaluated rating option added to the question
To create a Standard Review question:
Enter the Statement/Topic/Tasks/Behaviors that will be evaluated
Use the sequence dropdown to easily change the order of the ratings; click Apply to actually reorder the items
The rating choices for this question
The descriptions of the ratings
The point value that is assigned to each rating item; you cannot have two ratings with the same point value
Click +Add Rating to create additional ratings (up to five total)
This is how a Standard Review Item looks to a learner:
This is how you create a standard review item:
Role vs Skill Position
The settings that you make on the Campus Settings screen are always by role and store type. The templates you create and enable, however, can be role-specific or skill position-specific.
Assignments using role-specific templates only apply to users with that role.
Assignments based on skill position-specific templates apply to everyone with that skill position regardless of role.
If you want all employee users to get the same review:
Make your template for the level 1/employee role
Make your setting for the level 1/employee role
Make your setting live
Enable your template
All employees will get that performance review
If you want specific reviews to go to users with (for example) the skill positions of bartender and barista while employee users who have other skill positions (or no skill position) get a more general review:
Make templates for the bartender and barista skill positions
Make a more general template for the level 1/employee role
Make your setting for the level 1/employee role
Make your setting live
Enable all of your templates
All employees with the skill positions of bartender and barista will get the bartender and barista performance reviews without regard to their role
All level 1/employees who are not bartenders or baristas will get the more general performance review
Editing Templates
To edit a performance review template, follow the same process outlined for creating a template.
Path: Campus Home > Performance Reviews > Campus Templates > Click the pencil icon by the template you want to edit
Creating Campus Settings
Campus Settings are the details of your performance review assignments.
Path: Campus Home > Performance Reviews > Campus Settings
Store Type: Assignments are made based on store type. If a location does not have a store type assigned then performance reviews cannot be assigned. You can choose all or one of the existing store types.
Review Status: The status of this review assignment. Delete deletes the setting and any associated review that has not been started or completed. Disabled disables the setting and temporarily hides associated reviews that have not been started or completed. Live makes the review ready for assignment whenever an appropriate template is enabled.
Role: Performance review settings are created for specific job roles/levels in your organization. Each person has a role specified in their employee record. A single setting can control all or one role. Note that templates can be skill position-specific, see the Role vs Skill Position topic earlier in this document for additional information.
Assignment Base Date: Performance Review assignments can be based on the learner’s hire date or on a date that you specify here.
Frequency: Performance review can repeat annually, biannually, or quarterly.
Self-Review: Performance reviews can (optionally) give the employee the ability to rate and comment on each question. Self-reviews can be made optional or mandatory.
Probationary Review: An initial review can be assigned to a newly hired employee at the specified number of days. The template used will be the one enabled for the new hire’s role.
Days Before Due Date: This specifies the number of days the review becomes available before the actual due date. On the specified day, an icon showing a single yellow head displays on the manager’s dashboard and the review becomes available on the employee’s To-Do List.
Location Level Editing: Check this to enable editing and assignment of this review at the local store level (by the local administrator).
Making Settings Live
Change the Review Status from the default of Disabled to Live
Click the Save button that is now visible
Click Apply
A series of messages will update you on the progress of your assignments
Remember that a template must be enabled before an assignment can appear on a learner’s To-Do List or on the manager’s dashboard.
Changes Made after Reviews Are Assigned
When changes are made to an employee’s role, status, or location or when changes are made to a setting or a template after a review has been assigned, if neither the employee or the manager has started the review, then the new template is used for the review.
Creating Spanish Versions
Spanish Performance Review Fundamentals
There must always be an English version of a performance review. Templates for Spanish reviews can be added when the English template is completed or at a later time. The Spanish template can be kept in Review mode while the English template is enabled and assigned.
It is expected that the Spanish version will mirror the setup of the English version and so very few controls or settings are available on the Spanish version.
Questions and instructions entered into the English version are copied (in English) into the Spanish version to help you with your translation efforts. Just delete the English text and replace it with your Spanish text.
Changes or additions made to the English questions and instructions after the Spanish version has been saved are not copied over into the Spanish version. If a whole new question is added to the English version, a placeholder question with generic text is added to the Spanish version to bring it to your attention.
The manager’s version of the review will always be in English. If an employee has completed a Spanish version of the review, the PDF of the completed review will contain both the Spanish (employee’s) version and the English (manager’s) version.
If the preferred language for the employee is Spanish and a Spanish performance review is available, the default performance review selection on the To-Do List will be Spanish. If there is no Spanish review available, the English review will be available.
If you copy a template that has a Spanish version, both the English and Spanish versions will be copied. If you preview a template with a Spanish version, you can choose to preview the English or Spanish (or both).
How It Works
Begin with a complete, saved English language template.
Click the plus icon in the upper left next to the English tab.
The template to create a Spanish version of the review opens.
The English question text is shown in the Spanish version so you can have it for reference while you are creating the Spanish version. It can be deleted at any time.
To complete the Spanish review, simply translate all of the questions and instructions and click Apply to save your changes. Unless you have put the Spanish version in Review mode, it will be assigned when the English version is enabled and assigned.
Performance Review Reports
Two reports are available to assist in monitoring performance review activity. Both reports can be viewed on line or exported. The reports can be accessed from the bottom of your reports page.
Performance Review Adoption Report
The Performance Review Adoption report is location specific and provides, by role, the number of people who have performance review assignments in that location.
Performance Review Status Report
The Performance Review Status report is location specific and it provides the manager assigned rating points, the employee self-review rating points, and the completion date for each completed performance review in that location.
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