CrunchTime! TalentLink offers robust and flexible messaging tools. Messages can be sent through CrunchTime! TalentLink and through email and can be sent to groups as well as individuals.
Messages can be sent to any or all:
Skill positions
Store types
Everybody Can Receive & Reply to Messages
Everybody (level 1 through level 5) can receive and reply to messages.
Only users with Send Messages permission can initiate messages but all users, including level 1s, can reply. Level 5 administrators have Send Messages permission by default. Anyone who is able to assign permissions can assign the Send Messages permission. The permission can be assigned to all levels, including level 1s.
The Send Messages permission is location-based which means that, when you have Send Messages permission for a location or a group of locations, you can send messages to them.
Accessing Messages
You can access messages from three different places, depending on your permissions:
My Training (on the left)
Dashboard (in the header)
Campus Home (upper right, My Training area)
Learners will access CrunchTime! TalentLink messages from their My Training page. When learners go to Help from their My Training page, they go to a learner-specific Help system.
Your initial view of messages will depend on whether or not you have any messages.
Messaging Basics
When you have messages waiting for you, there will be an indicator on the messages icon (on My Training, the dashboard, or Campus Home). Click the Messages link to display your messages:
The message highlighted on the top left is your most current message
That most current message is fully displayed on the right
Messages with green details have not yet been opened
Click the open envelope icon to reply to the open message (there is no reply-all)
Click the X to close the reply panel
Click the garbage can icon to delete this message (deleted messages cannot be brought back)
Click the closed envelope in the upper left to create a brand new message
If you do not have messages waiting for you, your messages panel will still be the place to start. Simply click the closed envelope in the upper left to get started creating messages.
If you want a bigger view of your messages, use the X in the upper right of the reply panel to close it and you will see your messages across the width of the screen. To return to the read/reply view simply click the desired message.
Creating New Messages
Wherever view you are on, you can click the orange closed envelope icon and the message builder will open allowing you to create a new message.
The message builder has four tabs:
Where - use to identify locations that should receive your message
Who - use to further define the audience for your message and optionally select individuals
Message - use to create your message
Delivery - use to specify your delivery preferences
Use the Where tab in the message builder to identify the locations that should receive your message. All locations are selected by default. Optionally filter by Store Type or State.
The Recipient Count tells you the number of employees who will receive this message.
Use the Who tab of the message builder to further define the audience for your message.
Filter by Skill Positions or Roles
On the top part of this tab, you can specify the skill positions and roles who should receive your message. These would be the skill positions and roles in the locations you previously specified on the Where tab.
Include Specific Employees
In the Include Specific Employees section of this tab, you can (optionally) specify individuals who should receive your message in addition to those in the locations, skill positions, and roles already chosen.
You also have the option of sending only to individuals selected in the Include Specific Employees section of this tab. To send to individuals only, create your list of employees here and then de-select all the locations on the Where tab.
Ctrl + click to select multiple names in either the results or selected box.
The Recipient Count tells you the number of employees who will receive this message.
Use the Message tab to compose your message. You can include images and links and there are a variety of text tools available. See the Message Composition Tools section for details. Find out about the Special Characters that can be included.
The Recipient Count tells you the number of employees who will receive this message.
Use the Delivery tab to specify whether the message should be sent via CrunchTime! TalentLink messaging or email or both.
For messages sent by email, the recipients must have their email addresses in their employee profiles (on the dashboard). Emails are sent from a do-not-reply mailbox and so you cannot receive replies to these messages. It can take 4-5 minutes for the recipient to receive an email. The email messages come from a do-not-reply box in the *.discoverlink.com domain.
The Recipient Count tells you the number of people who will receive this message. If you were to send a message via both CrunchTime! TalentLink messaging and email, the counter would add the number of emails to the count. The location is not counted as a recipient, so if the message goes out only as a store message, the recipient count will be zero.
There is no way to recall a message.
NOTE: Messages sent via email that contain images are subject to the same delivery issues as any other emails you receive with images. Your email provided may block the messages or may allow the messages but block the images. Your own security/privacy settings also play a part in what is and what is not allowed in an email. If you do not receive the emails you are expecting, check your Spam/Junk folders first and then take a look at your security/privacy settings. If you cannot figure out the problem please contact your Client Services Manager at discoverlink@zohosupport.com.
Replying to Messages
To reply to a message, click the open envelope in the upper right on an open message. The reply view for that message displays:
The details of the message you are replying to
Where you enter your reply
The message you are replying to
Click Send to send your message on its way
You can include links and images in your reply. When including images, please be aware that the total size for an email (including original message and replies) is 1 MB.
See the Message Composition Tools section for details on the text tools available. Find out about the Special Characters that can be included.
Special Characters
When creating or replying to messages, the special characters in the table following are allowed in both the subject and the body of the message. Additional special characters may also work in the body of the message.
Allowed special characters:
! exclamation point " double quote # number sign $ dollar sign % percent sign & ampersand ' apostrophe ( left parenthesis ) right parenthesis * asterisk + plus sign , comma - hyphen . period/decimal point / forward slash : colon |
; semicolon < less than sign = equal sign > greater than sign ? question mark @ at sign [ left bracket \ backward slash ] right bracket ^ caret _ underscore ` accent grave { left curly bracket } right curly bracket ~ tilde |
Message Composition Tools
A variety of tools are available when you create a brand new message or reply to one you received.
Remove Font Style (select text then apply to remove formatting)
Text Size
Text Color
Insert Link (choose to have the link open in a new window or the same window)
Insert Image (combined size of email and images should be no more than 1 MB)
The subject of the message displays 150 characters. The body of the message can accept 5,000 or more characters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a reply-all button?
No. The reply-all function is not supported. -
Can I recall a message that I sent accidentally?
No. Messages cannot be recalled. -
Can I give the messages permission to a level 1 employee?
Yes. The Send Messages permission can be given to anyone. -
Do employees need Send Messages permission to receive & reply to messages?
No. Everyone can receive & reply to messages, no permission needed. -
Can I send messages to individuals?
Yes. But if you want to send messages to individuals, be sure to de-select all the locations that are selected by default on the Where tab of the message builder. -
Can I include links and images in my messages?
Yes. See the Message Composition Tools section for details. -
What is that Recipient Counter thing for?
The counter tells you the number of employees who will receive your message. Think of it as a sanity check. If you went right to the Who tab and selected just one employee to send your message to but looked down and saw that the Recipient Counter said the message was going to 532 employees you would know that you neglected to de-select all the locations on the Where tab.
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