As a user or location admin for a specific location, you will not have access or visibility to any other location within your organization. In order to change which location you receive reports and notifications for you have a few options:
1. Contact the Supervisor who oversees that location!
Supervisors will generally be Location Admins for one or more locations. As a Location Admin, they will be able to adjust your profile to your new location. The only downside is they will need to be a Location Admin for the location you are moving to, so if they are not your current supervisor you will need to get the Squad Admin involved.
2. Contact your Squad Admin.
Squad admins will have access and personnel to all locations within your organization. They will be able to modify your account to the appropriate location. This is probably the sure-proof way method to modify your profile.
Note: Squadle personnel will no longer be making adjustments to franchise profiles other than to assist with SSO modifications. Squadle support can assist you in figuring out who you need to contact within your organization but they will no longer be making adjustments to user details or assigned locations. If you need help identifying your Squad or Location Admins, feel free to contact Squadle support for assistance.
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