Why isn't a Location available for Payroll Export?
A common reason a Location does not show as available for export is that an employee has worked at two Locations, and the second location hasn't Posted Labor. Both Locations need Posted labor before Payroll can be exported for either Location.
This query will identify employees who have worked at a secondary Location during a Labor period.
SELECT las.labor_actual_shift_pk ,las.location_id_worked ,loc.location_name location_worked ,las.primary_location_id ,loc1.location_name primary_location ,las.employee_pk ,las.posted_flag ,las.review_flag ,las.export_flag ,las.week_ending_date FROM t_labor_actual_shift las ,t_location loc ,t_location loc1 WHERE las.location_id_worked = loc.location_id AND las.primary_location_id = loc1.location_id AND las.week_ending_date = '28-MAY-2023' --- update to week-ending date for the period that needs to be exported AND las.location_id_worked <> 12775 --- update to the location_id of the Location who is missing the export AND las.primary_location_id = 12775;--- update to the location_id of the Location who is missing the export
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