If you are experiencing issues with your reports showing 0% for your restaurant, it is most likely due to your tablet losing connectivity to the Internet and you will need to reestablish your connection.
If your restaurant is an Owner/Operator-owned restaurant...
1. Your tablets come equipped with cellular connectivity and you should disable WiFi. To start, press the "home" button on on your iPad.
2. Tap on the Settings icon.
3. Navigate to WiFi and turn it off.
4. Wait for the tablet to connect to its cellular network. You can verify this by checking the LTE/4G icon at the top right of the screen, directly to the left of the battery icon.
If your restaurant is corporate-owned (e.g. McOpCo)...
1. You are most likely connected to EBOS for your WiFi connection. If you are using "McDonald's Free WiFi", please switch to EBOS. Reconnecting to the WiFi usually solves this issue.
2. To reconnect to your restaurant's WiFi, press the "home" button on your iPad and tap on the Settings icon.
3. Navigate to WiFi and turn it off. Wait 10 seconds.
4. Turn WiFi back on. Please ensure that you are connected to EBOS.
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