Squadle Workflows
Squadle Workflows is the brand new, iOS App Store version of Squadle Checklists (2.17.0). Workflows is publicly accessible and available for anyone to download on an iPad of your choice. Please note that your iPad must have, at a minimum, iOS 11 installed.
How do I download and setup Squadle Workflows?
1. Before your begin, please make sure you have the following on hand and/or accessible
- An unmanaged iPad with iOS 11+ installed
- An AppleID to connect to the App Store and download Squadle Workflows
- If you do not have an AppleID to use, please follow these official instructions from Apple: How to create an AppleID
- Important Note - You can create one AppleID to use across multiple iPads to download Squadle Workflows or you can create an AppleID for each location. Please consult with your organization's network administrator to determine which option is best for your organization.
- Your Squadle HQ login credentials (if you are not sure if you have an account or if you have forgotten your password, use the Reset Password link from HQ)
2. Power on your iPad and wait until it loads and you have access to your Home Screen. Please ensure that your iPad is connected to a WiFi network.
3. Locate the App Store on your Home Screen and open it up.
4. Tap Search and type in Squadle Workflows.
5. Tap on Get to download the application and wait for it to download.
6. Go back to your Home Screen and locate the Squadle Workflows application.
7. Open Squadle Workflows and tap on Activate Now. You will be presented with an Activation Screen with an activation code.
8. On a separate device, open up a web browser and go to Squadle HQ (https://hq.squadle.com).
9. Log in to Squadle HQ with your email/password or via SSO if it is available for your organization.
- Important: If you do not remember your log in credentials, use the Forgot Password password link and a temporary password will be emailed to you.
10. After logging in, look to the left where the menu is located and click on Admin.
11. After the page loads, locate the Activate New Device tab and click on it.
12. Enter the code that appears in Squadle Workflows on your iPad into the text box labeled Enter Device Activation Code.
13. Ensure that your organization's name is selected in the Select Squad dropdown menu and select the location that you would like to activate the device on in the Select Location dropdown.
- Important: If you do not see the location you want to activate your device to from the dropdown, please contact your organization's Squadle administrator immediately.
14. Once you have entered the code and have selected a Location to activate your device to, click on Next.
15. Follow the on-screen prompts in Squadle Workflows. If your digital checklists load, congratulations! You have successfully completed these steps and are ready to use Squadle Workflows.
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