There are times when a manager needs the ability to edit submissions for a specific form. An Administrator can grant this permission on a form-by-form basis.
Note: If you haven't already, invite the Manager by entering their name or email address. If the manager is already there, find his/her name on the list. Managers will only be able to edit forms from the web-appYou need to have owner or admin permission to accomplish the following steps.
How to Give a Manager Permission to Edit Submissions for a Form
- Click on 'Forms'
- Hover on the right-hand side, over the form for which you want to grant permission to edit submission information and click on the pencil icon
- Click 'Distribute'
Use the dropdown menu next to their name to and click on 'Edit All Submissions'
- Remember to click "Publish" to save your changes.
You're all done!
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