You can now export a report to see a project recap with failures from the pass/fail questions in your forms, assigned as projects. Users will be able to view data about time to complete and failures.
- From the Web-App dashboard, click on 'Reports'.
- From the Reports window click on 'Create Report'
- From the Create a Report window select 'Projects' and from there select 'Project Completion with Failures' and finally click on 'Create Report' to be able to filter criteria
- From the 'Reports' window select the criteria you will like to filter. Once you have chosen the report criteria you want to retrieve if it is a one-time report click on Export, if you want to regularly receive this report click on save.
(In this example, we are pulling a report for the whole team, any role, the date to pull the criteria from is last week, the project frequency we want to drill down on is Weekly, for any form category. )
If saving the report:
In this step you will choose the following:
- Name of the project
- Choose when you would like to receive the report
- Choose if you would like to receive the report every 2,3,4 weeks, etc.
- Choose which day or days you would like to receive the report
- Add which role, user or email you would like the report to be sent to
Note: Once everything is completed you will click "Done".
The export: The export will arrive in your email as a .xlsx file. The Excel spreadsheet will have three columns per project.
The scores will be color-coded depending on the score: 0-49 the score will be Red, 50-79 the score will be Yellow, 80-100 the score will be Green.
It will also show the role of whom the project is assigned to and the frequency of the project as well as when it was due.
Below is the view for the completed projects
This report also will show the projects in progress with the same type of data as the completed projects.
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