Labels Reporting is a feature built for Zenput Admins and Managers who use Zenput Labels, so it is easy to identify if their stores have adopted Zenput Labels and other printing habits. A store that is fully using Zenput Labels is one that prints as many labels as needed throughout their working hours, to satisfy handling of their in-store food. Learning if a store is labeling their food, or not, is essential because, in the case of the latter, the store can risk using expired ingredients, potentially making people sick and, facing health score violations.
How to view reports from the web-app:
- From the dashboard go to 'Labels' from here you can filter by team from the drop-down arrow. (Admins). Managers your team will already be selected for you.
- In this dashboard view, you are able to see a bar graph overview of the data by date just by hovering over the bar.
- From here you are able to filter Labels Printed by Day, Labels Printed by Location, Labels Printed by Ingredient, Labels Printed by Phase, and Labels Printed by Category.
- The ability to filter label reporting will be able to help identify reporting trends over time, to catch issues (stores not spending enough prepping or too much time), habits, and spikes in an increase of usage to spot food prep trends or to help reduce food waste and save on food costs in the long run.
- The results are reflected based on the criteria and only the labels printed by day and time can be exported via PNG image, JPEG image, PDF document, or SVG vector image by clicking on the three lines in the two graphs in the upper left-hand side of each.
Here is an example of a pdf version of this view:
- In the example below the report is filtered by team, a date range, and phase:
The Labels printed by date, the time of day the labels were printed, the labels printed by location, labels printed by ingredient in that specific phase, Custom Text labels printed by location, and Custom Text Labels printed by Text.
The link to the location will redirect you to the locations' page.
- In order for a location to appear under Labels Printed by Location, the location must have printed a label for the selected time Period under 'This Period'.
Please Note:
- Currently, recurring Label reports are unable to be created.
- You can not filter by multiple phases (yet).
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