When going to remove or adjust tasks, you will notice that there are two options available to you, Archive and Delete.
Archiving a task
Archiving a task removes the task from the assignee's available tasks. Archived tasks are still counted toward overall task completion percentages for the user as well as project and report task completion percentages.
Deleting a task
Deleting a task removes the task from the assignee's available tasks, but removes the task completely from all task completion reporting similar to if the task never existed in the first place.
For Example:
I have a project with 100 tasks of which 70 have been completed, and I want to remove the remaining 30 tasks from the project.
After archiving the remaining 30 tasks, the project will be completed. The project completion percentage for this project will be 70%. The overall task completion count will be 70/100.
After deleting the remaining 30 tasks the project will be completed. The project completion percentage for this project will be 100%. The overall task completion count will be 70/70.
Archiving/Deleting a Single task
Bulk Deleting/Archiving multiple tasks
(Admins can only Bulk delete/archive tasks)
- Select "Delete"
- Confirm delete task window (Deleted and archived tasks cannot be undone)
You will be able to view previously deleted tasks by using the Status dropdown on the tasks page.
- Use the dropdown and select "Deleted". You will then be shown a list of previously deleted tasks, you can also search for the specific task as well.
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