Here is how to export a Project Completion Recap Report of all your active projects with completion statistics.
When selecting a role for the Project Completion Recap, all users with the role will be sent a copy of the report.
- From the web-app click on the Reports tab and click"Create Report" in the top right hand corner.
- From the new window, click on the 'Projects' tab, and select 'Project Completion Recap', and finally click on 'Create Report'.
- In the next reports window, you will be able to filter the report by a specific or any team and/or role and a specific timeframe.
Then you can export or save the report to schedule it for - Here is an example of what the report will look like.
It will provide the following information:
- The time and date of when the report was generated.
- The specific timeframe the report was generated for.
- The roles the projects were assigned to.
- The recurrence of the project.
- The overall score of each project and overall (cumulative).
- The Teams and locations where the projects were completed.
- If a project was missed or not assigned.
- Color indicators of trouble, upcoming trouble, or great scores.
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