The Gallery View displays the images for a given form in an easy and organized manner. This makes it simple to scroll through and compare images from multiple locations.
- To get to the Gallery View, go into the 'Reports' section from the left side and click on the title of the form for which you'd like to view submission data.
- This will bring you to the Dashboard. Click 'Gallery' at the top of the page.
- On the Gallery page, the images are grouped by question.
- If you click the image, you'll get details about the submission the image was attached to, such as submitter, date, device, source, and will show you the pinpointed location on a map. From this screen, you can view the submission that the photo was attached to. You can also download the photo by clicking on 'Download' in the bottom left corner of the image.
- Once you select the option to Download, the image will be opened in a new tab/window. In the new tab/window, you can use the following steps to save and download your image.
- Windows - Right-click imageSelect 'save image as...'Save
- Mac - Control-click the imageChoose Save Image to Downloads/Save Image As/Add Image to PhotosSave
- You can also filter what images you see based on what you want to see. You can filter by submitter, date, project, location, or when a question meets certain criteria.
- At the end of each photo section, there is a Load More button. Once you've loaded all the photos, you will see a button that says No More Photos.
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