A simple guide to understanding the Zenput Dashboard
The Zenput dashboard has cards that can help you understand your business better and hone in on key areas for improvement. There are several cards on the Zenput dashboard and each conveys a different piece of information.
The first thing to notice is the team and time filters.
- These filters will allow you to view your dashboard data by a team in your account and by a specific time frame. Use the drop-down to select your parameters and the cards below will reflect the data of your selections.
The first card you will see details the tasks in the team selected in the above filter. It does not, however, utilize the time filter.
Task Completion Rate
The Next card shows you the completion percentage of tasks filtered by the time selection chosen in the filter above. This will only show the last 5 weeks of data and cannot be customized.
This card allows you to jump to your forms reports (dashboard, list, gallery). Use the Next and Previous buttons in the lower right-hand corner to cycle between active forms. This card is automatically sorted to show the most recently-submitted forms in your account.
Top Triggers
This card takes the chosen date filter selected up above and filters all submissions to show the top triggered workflows in the account for that given date range. You can filter this card to see the top triggers by specific form by using the form filter on the right-hand side where the 'x' appears in this example, next to Brand Standards.
Frequently answered "No"
This card sorts data by date range selected above, and then by form selected. This means that in order to use this card you will have to select a form from your list of active forms (using the box in the upper right corner of the card) to view the questions that were answered "No" the highest percentage of times for the given time period. ADMINS can search for any form.
SUBMITTERS and MANAGERS can only search for forms that have been Distributed to them.
Recurring projects
This card is designed to give you a quick way to view the completion percentage of any recurring projects in your selected time frame above. You will notice there are buttons to select from "Daily", "Weekly", and "Monthly". These options help you quickly view all completion data for projects that recur in these periods.
We hope you find the New Zenput dashboard helpful and informative. We will be designing and implementing new cards for the Zenput dashboard over time. If you have an idea for a card you would find helpful for your business, please drop us a line at Support to tell us about it!
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