If there is certain information you want to view on a regular basis, creating a saved report will allow you to save your search criteria so that you can view submissions that meet those criteria whenever you want or export that data to an Excel file.
For example: You only want to export or view the submissions when the field 'Overall Score' is less than '60'. You can name the report 'Poor performers", and every time you log into Zenput, simply navigate to that report and view the relevant submissions.
Different kinds of reports available via the web-app:
- Reports on Forms
- User Activity Report
- User Submissions Report
- Location Activity Report
- Key Performance Indicator Report
- Project Completion by Location Report
- Project Completion by User Report
- Project Completion Recap
- Project Completion Recap with Failures
- Advanced Project Completion Report
- Yes/No Rollup Report (Pass/Fail Criteria)
- Task Completion Rate Report
- Sensor Health Report
- Sensor Temp Log Report
- Sensor Trigger Report
Reports on Forms:
Reports available for individual forms.
- Select the form you want to export a report for.
- From the List view of the form, you can filter the submission data based on team, who it was submitted by, distance from location, location, date submitted, project it was a part of, and/or specific questions in the form.
- The report will arrive to your email in csv. format ready to download.
- Select the form you want to export a report for.
Reports on User activity & submissions:
You can export data on 'User Activity' (Location, date & time, time to complete, and distance from location) or 'User Submissions' (User and number of submissions).
Select the Report you want to export and select "Create Report" .
Locations Reports:
- 'Location Activity' (User activity at locations — Number of user visits by location).
- 'Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)'
- Averages the scores from the formula fields in your forms from the date range requested, broken down by team and user.
- Shows total number of submissions in the requested date range, broken down by team and user.
- Displays the most recent score and the date of submission, by team and user.
Projects Reports:
Export a report of current project completion status by User, or by Location, or export a project completion recap report giving you statistics of project completion by team or across your entire company within a given time frame. Projects with Completion Rates and Failures — Form projects with completion, failures and time to complete.
Performance Reports:
Yes/No Rollup Report (Pass/Fail Criteria)
Task Completion Rate Report
Note: You will only see a list view of the filtered data for form reports. To see the data for users and locations information, you need to export the data by clicking 'Export' on the top right of the screen. More info in this article
Sensors Reports:
You can export both sensor & gateway connectivity status including battery level and readings for a location with a summary of triggers with associated tasks and/or alerts.
Tip: You can schedule these reports to send on a regular recurring basis as well, here is an article on how to accomplish this: How to: Schedule a report
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