Announcement lets Admins & Managers broadcast important information directly to their teams. It can be used to share critical news, process updates, and other important information that will notify users instantly.
- It can include a URL in the message that fits within the 5000-character limit.
The ability to respond is not currently available.
- Can send Announcements from the Zenput Mobile and Web-App. (Admins and Managers ONLY)
- 25MB per file and 20 files MAX per announcement
- Announcements are sent at the same timezone as composed.
Send an announcement in a few simple steps:
- From the web-app on the left-hand side click 'Create' then, select 'Create Announcement'.
Or you can also go to 'Announcements' from the sidebar and click 'Create Announcement'.
Type your announcement and once you've selected who you would like it to go to (1 or multiples Teams, Users, or Roles) you can fill out the Title of the Announcement and the message.
If you would like to include an attachment with your announcement click or drag the file in the dotted lined box that says 'Drag or click to upload attachments' and select the PNG., JPEG., PDF., or CSV file and click Open to choose and attach the file.
Please note the file size limit to attach is 25 MB
- You can then choose to schedule your announcements or send them immediately.
- Or you can also choose to notify your users with a Banner Announcement which is pinned to the top of the dashboard for a specific period of time so that every employee who uses the Zenput app (not just the first one who opened the app) will see the important information.
Once you have selected how you want to send and also present the information to your users, press 'Send', and you're all set, it's off to those you selected.
How to: Announcements (Mobile) (Admin/Managers)
Delete Sent Announcements
From the web-app menu, go to 'Announcements'.
In the Sent Announcements – hover over the right side of the announcement and click the 3 dots – Delete:
Read receipts
From the web-app menu, go to 'Announcements'.
- You can see all scheduled and sent announcements from the Announcements Tab.
Re-send non-openers
You can resend the non-openers from the web-app menu. Go to 'Announcements', and select the needed announcement.
At the bottom, select Unopened, and then "Resend to non-openers":
From the Announcements page, you can see the Title of the announcement, who was it sent by, when it was sent, any attachments (if applicable), how many recipients, the open count, who did and did not open it, and the percentage of users that opened the Announcement, the users that most recently opened the announcement are located at the top.
If there is an attachment you will be able to view and download it from here as well.
Mobile Preview
If you chose Notifications option
Signed-in users will receive a notification as long as their notification settings are set up correctly. How to: Set/Update your notification settings from your mobile device
Users will be able to access the full announcement from the 'Notifications' tab on the left-hand side.
- Below is what the notification will look like from within the app. The submitter can click on "See More" to expand the announcement.
Expanded view
With Attachment
The mobile user can then click on the attachment, and it will download and allow them to zoom in and out as needed.
If you chose the Banner option
Here is how it will look until the date & time that you chose to have it disappear. If you sent multiple announcements, they will be able to swipe right and left between them.
Expanded view
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