Please note:
- Edits made to any project will take place on the next recurring instance.
- If it is a DAILY RECURRING project, the changes will take about 48 hours to go into effect.
- ONLY recurring projects can be edited, one-time projects can NOT.
- It is not possible to start a recurring project on the same day. Only a non-recurring project.
- From the web-app go to 'Projects' on the left-hand side.
- After clicking on projects the "Recurring" tab will appear underneath with a highlighted blue dot. To edit the project, hover on the right-hand side to display three vertical dots. After clicking, it will display the options to Edit, Archive, and Delete.
From the Edit Project window, you will be able to edit the fields that are not greyed out only.
The title of the project
The instructions if any
The locations the project tasks are assigned to
The start date
How often it repeats
The day(s) of the week the project should run
When it is due
When it should stop
If it auto-archives or not
Who to send the project completion reports to
Remember to press 'Save' once the edits have been made. You can confirm the changes are set up correctly from the preview window on the right-hand side.
Reminder: If you are editing a daily recurring project, it will take 48 hours to update with the changes made. If you are editing a weekly, monthly, or another occurrence project aside from a daily project, it will take effect on the next occurrence.
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