From the form builder, there are many tabs. Here is what each option in the Configure Tab is for:
- Allow Users to view submission data from all franchisees- THIS OPTION IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR THOSE USING CORPORATE/FRANCHISEE FEATURES. From the corporate company, Admins are able to choose specific forms which form will be allowed for submissions from the franchisee, to be viewable for the Admin, from the Corporate company.
Make this Form Private- Private forms are a secure way to collect sensitive data from the Zenput mobile application. Private forms are an upgrade to your normal Zenput service.
If you would like to enable the private forms feature flag on your account, please contact your customer success manager for pricing information.
How to: Use and distribute a Private Form (Special Feature) (Admin)
- Do not allow admins in my company to edit this template - When this option is checked, only the creator of the form will be able to edit it. Any other admins will receive an error message, and they will not be able to make changes. When the option is not checked, any other admins in the account will be able to edit.
How to: Edit an existing form? (Admin)
- Hide unanswered questions when exporting individual submissions - When this option is checked, the emailed form submission and the PDF export will omit any unanswered questions. The exception is checkbox questions. A checkbox question can never be unanswered - it is either checked or unchecked, and it will be on all exports.
How to: Remove unanswered or empty fields from submission email
- Allow user to submit this form at any location - When this option is not selected, Managers and Submitters can only select a Location on their Team within the Hierarchy. When it is selected, there are no restrictions from the Hierarchy, and any Location can be selected when filling a form.
How to: Allow users to complete tasks for others? (Admin)
Allow all Zenput Brands locations to be selected when submitting forms - allows someone from the corporate company to pick reporting company locations in a form in order to complete the occasional audit.
- Allow users to copy from previously submitted forms - When a form is being filled out, if the selected Location has a previous submission for that Form Template, there will be a prompt - to prefill with data from the last 'visit'. If Yes is selected, all the answers that were selected on the last submission will be loaded onto the form you're working on.
How to: Copy previous form submissions (Mobile App)
- Do not allow users to upload photos from their photo gallery - When this is not selected, the submitter will be asked to choose either the Camera or Gallery when adding a Photo in a form. When it is selected, there is no Gallery option - the submitter is taken straight to the camera with no options presented.
- Show previous answers when Yes/No fields are answered "No." - If the submitter answers a Yes/No question with 'No', the past 5 submissions for that answer will be displayed in the form of check marks and X's.
- Require temperature fields to use Bluetooth probes - this relates to Temperature fields only. When unchecked, a user can EITHER enter a number manually or using a Bluetooth thermometer. When checked, an entry can ONLY be made with a Bluetooth thermometer.
How to: Allow temperature fields to ONLY use bluetooth probes
Allow users to reorder fields for their location - With customer question ordering, you can rearrange the order of questions for a form submitted at your location. Here's an article on that
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