Do your stores prepare ingredients that need to be defrosted, marinated, seasoned, or include multiple steps to prepare?
You can now list two dates and times on your labels.
With the new “Two Step” label template, you can show employees, when that step of preparation is completed and when the item expires.
- From the Labels tab on the web-app
- When adding or editing an ingredient, you can choose Two Step from the Type drop down
- In Step 1 enter the Step and Step 2 is always "Expires".
- You can enter the number amount from: hours, minutes, days, weeks, years.
- You can enter the number amount from: hours, minutes, days, weeks, years.
- When done editing, from the Ingredients page it will appear under Prepped
- The printed labels will contain the date and time the label was printed (start of process), the date and time the first step finishes, and the date and time the two-step finishes (expires).
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