How do I reorder questions on a form?
With customer question ordering, you can rearrange the order of questions for a form submitted at your location.
Here’s an example: you have to perform a temp check of ingredients on your makeline, but the way in which the ingredients on your makeline are ordered is different from the order on the form. With custom question ordering, you can change the order of ingredients to match your store’s makeline.
Once you change the question order the first time, the new order will be saved for all future submissions of that form at your store.
- Find a form that has custom question ordering turned on. If you’re unsure which forms have it, contact your company’s Zenput admin.
- Then, select your store’s location.
On the top right, click the three-dot button and select Reorder Questions.
- Then, you can simply drag questions and entire sections in the order you want.
- Press Save and you’re all done!
Current Limitations of Custom Ordering
Moving fields into and/or out of a section (fields can be re-arranged within the section)
Ability of companies to add, delete fields from the form template
PDF generation
Resetting the form back to its original form (for submitters)
Bulk reordering
Unable to reorder questions while offline
- Unavailable in Brand wide forms
Re-arranging of fields does not support drag-and-drop on Windows when using touch
Windows users must use a mouse/trackpad to do this.
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