Gather COVID-19 vaccination and testing information from your employees
To ensure the safety of employees and customers, companies and government entities are enacting vaccine and testing mandates to verify that employees are either vaccinated or providing proof of a negative test. But with hundreds or thousands of employees, it becomes difficult to gather that information and quickly access it when needed.
With Zenput, you can gather vaccination and testing information from all your employees in a central location and access that information when you require it. This guide will walk you through how to do that.
New form templates
The Zenput team has created two form templates that are available for customers to use: one for vaccination verification and another one for submitted testing results (for unvaccinated employees).
The COVID-19 vaccine verification form template gathers information like name, vaccination status, vaccine manufacturer, dose dates, vaccination proof, and a signature.
The COVID-19 test result submission form gathers information like name, test result, photo proof of test result, and date of test.
Both templates are available to be imported into your account. Once in your account, you can customize both forms to suit your specific needs. If you’d like these form templates in your account, reach out to our support team.
Here are some helpful tips on setting up these processes:
Private Form
Some Zenput customers have the ability to make a form private (learn more here), which is a secure way to collect sensitive information from employees. Making a form private gives the form creator greater control over who can access the information within a form submission. For example: if a vaccine verification form is submitted by an employee on a store’s tablet, whoever uses that tablet after will not be able to see the information in the employee’s submission.
To make a form private, go to the Configure tab of the form builder and select ‘Make This Form Private.’
Note: If you don’t see this option but want to enable private forms, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or support
Distribute to all employees
In the Distribute tab, click Manage Access and add All: [your company name]. From the dropdown, select ‘Submit Only”. Here, you can also give certain individuals or teams access to view submissions. For example, you can give your HR team permission to “View all submissions”.
Depending on what you want to do with the information you gather, you can set up different reports and triggers to send the correct people the relevant information or notify certain employees when certain criteria are met.
To find out what percentage of your employees are vaccinated, go to the form’s dashboard.
In the dashboard, you’ll see the aggregate results for all submissions, including what percent of your employees answered ‘Yes’ to the question “Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19?” You can also filter the data by time range, location, and team.
To see more details on specific submissions, including getting a list of employees who aren’t vaccinated or looking up a specific employee’s test results, go to the List view.
For example, here’s the filter you can use to get a list of your unvaccinated employees:
How do I alert someone when an employee submits a positive test result?
If an employee submits a positive test result, you may want to alert your HR department. To do this, you can set a trigger off the question “Test result”. If the submitter answers “Positive”, you can send a follow-up task or alert to your HR manager, for example.
Click the hyperlinks above for detailed steps on setting up follow-up tasks and alerts.
How do I set up a recurring emailed report with vaccination or test result submissions?
If you want to get a report emailed to you with the submission information, you can set up a recurring scheduled report.
For example, you can get a report emailed to you weekly containing a list of all unvaccinated employee submissions from the past week.
For detailed steps on setting up a scheduled report, click here.
Announce the new requirements to your store teams
In order to make your teams aware of the new forms, you can set up an Announcement.
Here’s an example of what an announcement can look like:
For more detailed information about announcements, click here.
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